[GIS] Creating Point Transects along line using ArcMap


I would like to create a point shapefile that will contain sampling points along, and perpendicular to either side of a track route that I have as a line feature in ArcMap 10.1. The points on the track will be every 50m along the line with the perpendicular points 10m either side of that.

Is there a tool that I can use to generate my points to save me placing over 300 points manually?

Attached is a image prepared in powerpoint of what I am trying to achieve.

enter image description here

As you can see I would like to place points every 50m along the route of an existing track that is present in real life and has been digitised into ArcMap . The points perpendicular to the track points are 10m either side of the point.

I did manage to get a rough plan of the locations by using a bit of a long winded route and a free add in tool called ETGeo Wizard. This method involved the following steps:

  1. Generate a 10m buffer around the track route polyline;
  2. Convert the buffer polygon to a polyline;
  3. Split the rounded ends off the polyline (i.e the original rounded edges of the buffer) leaving two lines 10m from the track route polyline;
  4. Use ETGeo Wizard to place points every 50m along the polyline;

This method does give me the points but there is a lot of error meaning a lot of manual editing. It is also quiet a time consuming method of generating my points given that I have lots of track sections to place points on. I would therefore like to find a way to generate the points automatically using a tool or script.

Best Answer

you can follow these steps:

If I haven't really understood your question, can you provide a simple drawing to explain the problem clearly.

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