[GIS] Creating Minimum Spanning Tree based on street network using ArcGIS Desktop


I am using ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 SP2 (ArcView License) and Network Analyst.

I try to create a network of fiber optic cables to specific points along a street network.

Here is what I want to do:
I want to create a Minimum Spanning Tree based on a street network to give me the shortest path between a couple of fiber optic access points. The MST should start at a fiber optic distribution point and "span out" to the access points.

What I tried so far:
I tried to manage it with the Network Analyst and the 'Closest Facility' analysis. The problem is that it handles each connection between a distribution point and a access point as a independent solution (end up in a single route) – so its not the MST.
I am not sure if something like that is possible with a geometric network (with sinks and sources) and a flow direction.

Best Answer

I found a solution for my problem to create a minimum spanning tree (mst) based on a street network:

  1. I create a mst with the spanning tree tools (http://resources.arcgis.com/de/gallery/file//geoprocessing/details?entryID=B66BA793-1422-2418-A0BE-DDA7E07B348B)

  2. I use the geospatial modelling environment (http://www.spatialecology.com/gme/ - convert.linestopoints function) to create a start and endpoint of every single line of my mst. These points get the ID of the line.

  3. I use the network analyst and the RouteName (ReouteName is the ID of the mst line) function to create single routes between every start and end point created with the geospatial modelling environment.

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