[GIS] Creating map layouts using R


I've been trying to replace GIS tools (ArcGIS and QGIS) with R and some packages (leaflet, raster, sp and rasterVis) but I can't replicate GIS layout maps.

Has anyone created layout maps using shapefiles, points or raster layers using only R?


I discovered prettymapr, a package that works with simple plots. Playing around with it and simple plots I made this:

     breaks = seq(0, 4800 ,400), 
     col = c("#a6cee3", "#1f78b4", "#b2df8a", "#33a02c", "#fb9a99", "#e31a1c", 
             "#fdbf6f", "#ff7f00", "#cab2d6", "#6a3d9a", "#ffff99", "#b15928"),
     xlab = 'Longitud [O]',
     ylab = 'Latitud [S]',
     main = 'Medias [mm/mes]') 
plot(cuenca2, border = 'mediumblue', lwd = '3', add = TRUE)
plot(limites, border = gray(0.1), add = TRUE)
plot(gridlines(r), add = T, col = grey(0.1))
prettymapr::addnortharrow(scale = 0.6, text.col = 'black', cols = c('black', 'black'))
prettymapr::addscalebar(plotunit = 'latlon', widthhint = 0.25, lwd = 1, padin = c(0.15, 0.08), label.cex = 0.9)

r is a tif raster and both cuenca2 (blue) and limites (gray) are shapefiles.

Also, I tried spplot but despite I like the label axis format I can't add a scalebar and a north arrow, perhaps because of the raster's longlat projection.

Best Answer

R is pretty good at spatial processing, but its not a replacement carto tool (yet). Its graphics have always been implicitly geared to small, simple images and diagrams suitable for journal articles and the like.

You can still do some neat things with packages like ggplot2 (perhaps with some extensions like ggmap and ggspatial), tmap, and mapview, but not with enormous datasets, and display options are both limited and incredibly fiddly compared to QGIS or Arc. Stick to QGIS if you want something really pretty.

That said, here's something I managed with ggplot and a couple of addons:

ggplot2 map of DEM over OSM tiles

edit: source code for the above:


# my input raster is huge, I only want to plot a little bit
# mapsheets vector file obtained from qldspatial.information.qld.gov.au
BB <- st_read(file.path(boxdir, 'TV_mapsheets.gpkg'), quiet = TRUE)
little_clipper <- extent(matrix(st_bbox(tv), ncol = 2))

# crop raster to plot area (Crop is still ~200k cells)
dem <- raster(file.path(dest_dir, 'TV_DEM_S.tif'))
TV_dem <- crop(dem, 
               alignExtent(little_clipper, dem, snap = 'in'), 
               snap = 'in')

# for granular control over plot extent and elements
tv_xmin <- extent(TV_dem)[1]
tv_xmax <- extent(TV_dem)[2]
tv_ymin <- extent(TV_dem)[3]
tv_ymax <- extent(TV_dem)[4]

ggosm(x = extent(tv_xmin, tv_xmax + 0.0275, tv_ymin, tv_ymax), 
           type = 'cartolight') +
  geom_spatial(TV_dem, aes(fill = band1), alpha = 0.5) + 
  # C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\qgis-ltr\resources\cpt-city-qgis-min\bhw\bhw2\bhw2_39.svg:
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours=c('#28dce2', '#8f5dd5', '#8f5dd5' ,'#ffff80', 
                                 '#f4893a', '#994469', '#581389' ),
                                values = c(0.0000, 0.1299, 0.2600, 0.4800, 
                                           0.5901, 0.7900, 1.000)) +
  ggsn::north(x.min = tv_xmin, x.max = tv_xmax + 0.0235,
              y.min = tv_ymin, y.max = tv_ymin - 0.001, 
              symbol = 7, scale = 0.08) +
  ggsn::scalebar(x.min = tv_xmin, x.max = tv_xmax, 
                 y.min = tv_ymin, y.max = tv_ymax,
                 anchor = c(x = tv_xmax + 0.025, y = tv_ymin),
                 height = 0.015, dist = 1, st.size = 3, 
                 dd2km = TRUE, model = 'WGS84') +
  ggtitle('SRTM DEM-S Elevation', subtitle = 'Townsville 1:25,000 topographic key map sheet') + 
  labs(x = 'Longitude', y = 'Latitude', fill = 'Elevation (m)') +
  guides(fill = guide_colorbar(override.aes = list(alpha = 0.5))) +
  theme(legend.position = c(0.9, 0.5),
        legend.background = element_rect(fill = alpha('white', 0)),
        legend.key.height = unit(0.7, "in")) +

I'd still like the legend to reflect the alpha value of the plot body, and I'd like a better way to ensure it scales properly in an *.rmd document, but haven't found good solutions for that yet.

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