[GIS] Creating line from point based on intersecting line at 90 degrees to line in ArcMap


I am using ArcMap 10.2/10.3 and I need to create lines from points, so I can split polygons at the created line, as per the image below.

So I have to cut the polygon at a 90 degree angle to the line running through the poly, at the point (red line drawn in below). When I have this line I can split my polygons with these lines.

I have 1100 of these so I would prefer to not do it manually..I cannot find a way to automate this process, as the line direction changes for each polygon depending on which direction the road is going.

enter image description here

Best Answer


A) Find distance from the point to the kerb, this number to be used for perpendicular line extension;

B) Use small fraction of the line (segment) near point to define line direction;

C) Rotate and extend segment.


A: Convert road polygons to polyline. Spatially join points (CLOSEST, call distance field D_TO_LINE to store distance to kerb) with above lines.

B: Create small buffer around points Intersect road centrelines with above buffer, output – polyline. Let’s call it segments

C: Use field calculator expression on Shape field of segments to rotate and extend them:

def RotateExtend(plyP,sLength):
 ptX=plyP.positionAlongLine (l/2).firstPoint
 rightP=arcpy.Point(ptX.X-sX, ptX.Y-sY)
 array = arcpy.Array([leftP,rightP])
 return section


RotateExtend( !Shape!, !D_TO_LINE!)

RESULT: enter image description here It shows the need to increase value stored in D_TO_LINE, so that perpendicular can reach both sides of the road.

CREDITS: I borrowed this elegant idea of trigonometry-free perpendicular construction from very old Avenue script by @whuber

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