[GIS] Creating Land Use Change Map in ArcGIS for Desktop


I need to create a map with multiple dataframes showing the percent change in land use – one each for agriculture, developed, and forest. Percent change has to be labeled on each county and color coded for increase, decrease, and no change. I have the data figured out and ready to map.

I can't get started with creating the map and was wondering if you could give me a boost.

How can I separate the fields and just map the data picked from the table shown?

I included a screen capture of the table and basic county map.

I'm using ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Perhaps I'm making this too simple in my head, but I would double click the layer on which you need to label %change, and go to the Labels tab, turn on labels and select the correct field to display.

Then, in the same properties window, go to symbology and symbolize based on your %complete field.

I don't quite understand your statement about isolating fields and mapping the data picked from the table. You can filter based on a Definition Query to restrict the entire table to a query, or you can make your symbols only display if they meet a certain criteria. You can also label based on certain criteria.

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