[GIS] Creating flat end type polylineline buffer in model without ArcGIS advanced


I have a polyline split into many short segments and would like to create a flat end buffer for each individual segment (not "dissolve" them all into one feature).

Is there any way to do this in an ArcGIS 10.2 model without purchasing ArcGIS Advanced licence? Arcpy script, paid 3rd party extension, or open source extension etc?


Update: I ended up modifying the code found in this Q/A to create a custom script tool which:

  • creates an empty feature class for output
  • Iterates though every line of a different input feature class with many short polylines
  • at both the start and end of each line create a set of points which form a perpendicular line
  • connect those two "lines" (2 sets of 2 points) and feed them into the "shape" attribute of polygon
  • write those polygons to the empty feature class

Best Answer

The arcpy way of doing this would be the following logic:

  1. Referencing Gerry Gabrisch Create Perpendicular Lines to Each Segment of a Shapefile and this Q/A you can create perpendiclar transects at the start and end point of each line segement.
  2. The transect feature class may then be used to split the buffered layer using the python logic that @iRfAn has suggested Programatically splitting polygon with line?

This should allow you to slice off the curved ends of each polygon buffer feature.

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