[GIS] Creating Evenly Spaced Nodes/Lines or Set Spacing Rule in ArcGIS Desktop


I have written a Python script for ArcMap 10 that uses the x/y coords from a shapefile to create perpendicular transects to the existing line. Since these shapefiles are actually rivers the lines are very curved. In order to accurately represent the river's shape there are more points in the curves. My problem is that the program I created takes all of these points to create multiple transects and in the curves it looks like a horrible mess because there are so many points.

Is there any way to create some kind of spacing rule where my program chooses evenly spaced nodes so I can avoid this messy overlap?

Best Answer

I had been looking for something similar for research I was doing awhile ago but just came across this. If you are still looking for a solution I hope it helps: http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisdesktop/10.0/help/index.html#//001t00000029000000.htm

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