QGIS – How to Create Ellipse in QGIS Using Python Buffer


I want to create an ellipse around a point. I have the lat/longs of the point and the length of semimajor and semi minor axes in a CSV format. Is there a way?

Best Answer

QGIS 3.0

An example csv

enter image description here

Geometry by expression

Expression (in the step-3 above):

make_ellipse(transform(make_point("lon_dd","lat_dd"), 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:32653'),  
             "semimajor", "semiminor", "az")


enter image description here

QGIS (< 3.0) ... (Tested in QGIS 2.18.19 on Windows10)

Shape Tools Plugin

This time you need to (1) Add Delimited Text your csv on WGS84 (EPSG:4326) (2) reproject the point by Save As, and (3) set the project CRS to fit with the reprojected point data.

Then, using Shape Tools

The output image is the same.

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