[GIS] Creating DEM from LAS file without using LAStools


I want to create a ground model from a *.las file. The LAStools are available in QGIS but limited in use (generation of black diagonal in result file), so I can't use this.

In the GRASS tools I can find the tools v.lidar.edgedetection, v.lidar.growing and v.lidar.correction, to classify the las data. Unfortunately, v.lidar.edgedetection gives me a python error. So this isn't working either.

How could I proceed?

Best Answer

It is possible to generate a DEM from a las file within QGIS using Fusion.

Use this tutorial to enable FUSION's tools in QGIS (works up to QGIS 2.18 version*). It is written for LAStools, but it is straightforward adapting it.

*As from QGIS version 3, one can install the plugin (besides the core software) and work from there. See: Unable to install FUSION in QGIS 3.2?.

Once you manage to activate Fusion, you will need the GroundFilter tool for classifying ground points (if the point cloud is not yet classified), and then, GridSurfaceCreate to generate the DEM.

enter image description here

If you don't need to use QGIS, I suggest the following approach, which classifies ground points with the MCC algorithm.

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