[GIS] Creating Cost Surface Raster for Least Cost Path Analysis


I have a DEM raster and would like to carry out a cost path analysis.

Among other factors such as slope, proximity rivers etc. I would also like to take elevation into consideration. According to the model I am trying to build (using ArcGIS 10.1), the cost of building at high altitude locations would be much more costly compared to low altitude places.

I was wondering how I could create such a cost surface?

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Best Answer

Choose a range of values for costs (e.g. 1 = low costs, 10 = height costs).

Reclasify each input data to a cost raster.


reclassify elevation:

  • altitude > 1000 m --> cost 10
  • altitude 900 to 1000 m -> cost 9
  • altitude < 100 m --> cost 1

reclassify proximity to rivers:

  • distance < 10 m --> cost 1
  • distance 10 to 200 m -> cost 2
  • Distance > 2000 m --> cost 10

Combine all cost raster to a single cost raster. If a factor is more important than others you can use a different weight for each factor. Use Raster Calculator tool to calculate total costs. E.g. if elevation is more important than proximity to rivers you can use:

“cost_elevation” * 0.8 + “cost_rivers” * 0.2

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