Python Tutorial – How to Create Complex Polygon with Pyshp


using the pyshp library ( I am trying to create a "complex" polgon with one hole inside the main-poly plus one island-poly. It should look like this:

enter image description here

I used the following code from the documentation, only changing the number of points and using anticlockwise rotation for the hole:

import shapefile
w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POLYGON)

I get this:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Each piece of your complex polygon, including the hole, is called a "part" in the shapefile spec. Parts are how they tie multiple distinct geometries to a single dbf record.

In pyshp, parts are a list of lists passed to the poly method. The example you followed only has one list of points within the parts. But your shapefile has 3 distinct polygons. So each one of your 3 shapes needs to be in a sub-list like this:


enter image description here