Creating Collection of Polygons from Points in ArcGIS – Complete How to


I have a set of points, which are spread over a wide geographical area. I need to be able to create a set of polygons which best represent the clustered points.

In parts, some points may simply lie on their own, but in the main they are grouped, but not linked.

I have effectively created a grid of, lets say, the north western hemisphere and in each grid, have created a point with an arbitrary value. For all values of zero, I have deleted the points, leaving the points with non zero values in them. I now need to turn these points into polygons and am struggling a little…

Using ArcGIS and python, I thought about clustering the points, then 'convex hulling' them, but am struggling through not really knowing ArcGIS that well; how do I cluster?

thanks in advance for any help.

Best Answer

There could certainly be better ways to do this, but one way I can think of is to use Thiessen Polygons in Analysis Tools>Proximity toolbox. If I understand correctly, use your point feature with the arbitrary value as input to the Thiessen tool and you will end up with a set of polygons containing all of your data points. Each data point will lie in the a polygon making it geographically closer to the arbitrary value that created that polygon than to any other point.

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