[GIS] Creating boundary polygon shapefile from set of LAS files using ArcGIS Desktop


I have a bunch of LAS file sets that I need to process. The current task at hand is to generate a "footprint" shapefile that contains polygons for each LAS tile. I am looking for a graceful way to generate this polygon shapefile for all the LAS files in a directory. I am using ArcGIS 10 with just about every extension you can have (academic site license).

At the moment, my workaround is to use LAStools lasboundary.exe and then merge all of the individual shapefiles into single shapefile. However, this takes a while to execute and requires the additional merge step at the end.

Best Answer

After looking into both solutions proposed previously, I stumbled upon a dead simple way to do this.

  1. Use 3D Analyst Tools > Conversion > From File > Point File Information.
  2. In the dialog box, select Folders in the "Browse For:" drop-down menu. Click on the Folder icon and select the directory where your LAS files reside.
  3. Enter the name and desired location for the Output Feature Class.
  4. Specify the Input File Format (in this case, LAS).
  5. Enter file suffix of the files you want to include in the process (in this case, las).
  6. Enter the Input Coordinate System. It says that this is optional, but it is only optional if the coordinate system is specified correctly in the LAS files. Personally, I would look up the correct information from the metadata and enter it here.
  7. Click Ok and wait for the process to finish.

Now you have a polygon shapefile consisting of the footprints of each and every LAS file in the directory.