[GIS] Creating animation with raster data in QGIS


I have 4 raster images showing different conditions of air flow distribution at different times. I'd like to create an animation to show the change from image 1 to image 4. How can I do this? I tried Time Manager Plugin because I read it works also with raster but it didn't work. It says that I don't have a valid start time. That's true but because they are raster data I don't have something like a Time-Attribute…and I actually have to choose the attribute containing "time"-attribute in the Time Manager settings.

I'm working with QGIS v. 2.0.1.

Best Answer

If you are working with air flow data, the Crayfish plugin might be more suitable than Time Manager.

The Crayfish plugin aspires to be a time explorer for structured and unstructured mesh and vector datasets within QGIS. With Crayfish, users can load time varying mesh into QGIS. It currently supports several meteorology, hydrology and oceanography file formats.

See, for example, this video of dust aerosol data:


Original answer:

You have to manually enter the time values as shown in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdijfgqhsPI.

Additionally, there is still an issue with raster animation in Time Manager for QGIS 2.x https://github.com/anitagraser/TimeManager/issues/55

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