GeoJSON – Creating TopoJSON with Sovereign Countries


I am looking for a TopoJSON file that includes all countries including what I ended up after looking as 'sovereign countries' found in the following link:

Given the fact that the TopoJSON will be used in D3.js, it is stated that the TopoJSON files used in D3 are using vectors from 'Natural Earth' found here:

However, the list of sovereign countries found in the 'Natural Earth' data is not the same – eg while Monaco is listed in wikipedia as a sovereign country it is not listed in the sovereign countries of natural earth. It is listed in the 'populated places' file though.

I am looking for a file that includes all countries including the sovereign countries – wikipedia version. I don't mind creating what is needed from scratch, so here I am asking for efficient ways to achieve what I want.

Googling around I found out that you can merge multiple GeoJSON files and then convert to TopoJSON, however the processes aren't very clear.

Looking for any pointers, tips, tools – getting a ready file would be an added bonus, but I would like to learn how to do it on myself.

In other words, is it easier to find a list, strip it and merge it?

Is there a way to manually add vectors and additional information on a TopoJSON directly?

Do I need to extract information from it, edit and re-build it somehow?

Best Answer

Actually, I found the answer to my own question. The map I was after is named Admin 0 - scale ranks in the 1:10 Cultural vectors -

Now it's a long process to manually merge a few areas, optimize and simplify but other than that it contains all the sovereign countries I wanted.

Thanks for your time everyone!

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