[GIS] creating a single point from coordinates


I need a simple way to enter or create a point from a set of coordinates on a geo referenced photomap in QGIS. The points are shipwreck coordinates that are then visually aligned with the reef features adjacent that we know are associated with the site.
I am cleaning up a large set of coordinates from different sources and I need plot them and keep or reject them one at a time. After this process I can plot them all as a list.
I am running 2.8.1

Best Answer

There are many ways to this:

  • First you can put your coordinates into a simple CSV text file, then use the menu option: Layer->Add Layer-> Add Delimited Text Layer.
  • There is a plugin xyToPoints where gives a graphical interface. Nice for entering one at a time.
  • And the new plugin Spreadsheet Layers" allows you to import a list of coordinates directly from a spreadsheet table.
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