[GIS] Creating a heatmap from vector grid and point layer with QGIS

heat mapqgis

I would like to make a heatmap based on the number of hits within a certain area.

  1. I begin by importing the data of my hits:
    Layers > add layer > add delimited text layer = ok
  2. I add google satellite layer = ok
  3. I add a raster:
    Vector > analysis tools > vector-grid > Select area from map > X=10, Y=10 > grid as polygon
  4. Vector > analysis tools > count points in polygon
  5. Open attribute tabel = I get my dimensions X min/max and Y min/max + number of points

Now I would like to make a heatmap where each square gets separate color. I think I need to use the data from the atttribute table but I don't know how.
I would like to obtain the result below

Example: each square with hits between 10-15 hits = red, 5-9 hits = orange, 1-4 hits = green.

Can this be done and if yes, how?

Best Answer

Once you have your vector grid with the attribute table containing the field with the number of points in, right click on your layer in the layers panel and select "Properties".

Select "Style" from the left hand panel and select "Graduated" from the drop down menu at the top.

Select your column header as the number of points field in the "Column" drop down.

Then choose an appropriate colour scheme from the "Color ramp" drop down and click "Classify".

You can then amend the ranges by double clicking on them under the "Values" heading.

Finish by clicking "OK"

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