[GIS] Creating 9.3 version of geodatabase in ArcMap 10


Under the What's new for geodatabases in ArcGIS 10 Esri talks about an optional parameter that allows you to create a 9.3 geodatabase in version 10.

I cannot find any other info.

Any help on how to get to this "optional parameter" working?

Best Answer

It's an optional parameter when using the Create File GDB geoprocessing tool.


The ArcGIS version for the geodatabase to be created.

 CURRENT —Creates a geodatabase compatible with the currently installed version of ArcGIS
 10.0 —Creates a geodatabase compatible with ArcGIS version 10
 9.3 —Creates a geodatabase compatible with ArcGIS version 9.3
 9.2 —Creates a geodatabase compatible with ArcGIS version 9.2