python – Creating Subsetted Multiband Image from Multiple Files Using GDAL or Python


Given a time series of an area (single band), how you subset them and combine the subsets into a single multiband file (eg. vrt) using gdal or gdals' bindings for python?

Best Answer

I would use gdal_translate and

Translate the images to crop (subset them) using gdal_translate. You could use a bash script to automate. Something along the lines below.

for f in *.tif;do gdal_translate -projwin ulx uly lrx lry "$f" "$f".cropped.tif ; done

Use to 'stack' the images. Here we are not explicitly controlling stack order. I believe these will stack alphanumerically in ascending order (0-9, then a-z). -separate -o myoutput.tif *.cropped.tif

I used -o myoutput.tif because I do not know if myoutput.vrt will work with I assume it would, as it is a GDAL supported format, but I have never tested it.

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