[GIS] Create Spatial Index in PostGIS on an entire Schema


I have loaded a number of shapefiles using SPIT (QGIS plugin) to my PostGIS database. These layers did not have a Spatial Index created upon loading. I am wondering if there is a way to create a Spatial Index for each layer in the schema without writing a query for each layer. I am not a good PostGIS script writer, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Best Answer

If you want to batch create indexes on geometry columns, you could try this plpgsql function I've just knocked up:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION BatchIndex(sn text, tn text, cn text) RETURNS void AS $$
DECLARE i_exists integer;
DECLARE idxname text;
  idxname := 'idx_' || tn || '_' || cn;
  select into i_exists count(*) from pg_class where relname = idxname;

  IF i_exists = 0 THEN
    EXECUTE 'CREATE INDEX ' ||idxname || ' ON '
      || sn || '.' || tn
      || ' USING GIST(' || cn || ')';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

I've not tried it in anger on my database, but it seems to do the job.

To use it, just run a SELECT statement like this:

select BatchIndex('public', f_table_name, f_geometry_column) from geometry_columns where f_table_schema = 'public';

To create indexes on all geometry columns, you can use it like this:

select BatchIndex(f_table_schema, f_table_name, f_geometry_column) from geometry_columns;

Afterwards, run a VACUUM ANALYZE to tidy everything up.