[GIS] Create raster from grid of data points


I have an Excel spreadsheet with the columns longitude, latitude and TR. I add them as XY data to ArcMap with long as the x data, lat as the y data and TR as the value. This gives me a 12 x 12 series of points, representing a grid of data values in the Arctic.

I want to the convert this to a raster. I've tried using both Point To Raster and Feature To Raster. Point to Raster gives me an unknown 9999 error and Features to Raster gives me an 000861 error - 'Sheet1 is not valid'.

In both cases I enter TR in the 'field' section and leave the cell size to default

Best Answer

Here is an example with some random coordinates.

LAT:36.932108, 36.93253001, 36.93286302, 36.93288297, 36.93236698, 36.93219901
LON: -94.859716, -94.85966401, -94.85955002, -94.85918901, -94.85913604, -94.85908097
  1. Add the data to ArcMap
  2. Display XY data (X field = Lon, Y fild = Lat and set the coordiante system) enter image description here
  3. Export the data enter image description here
  4. Use the "Feature to Raster" Tool (Input features = exported output from step 3) enter image description here

I don't get an error message by doing all of the above, so maybe check that you are properly defining your coordinate system.

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