[GIS] Create polyline layer from csv-file (id, lat, long, time) in QGIS


Some units are moving and regularly registering it location. Each of these register events corresponds to row in a csv-file. This row contains fields:

  • id (unit identifier),
  • lat, long (event location),
  • time (event time in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format, it can be a number of seconds from 1970 if it really matters)

I need to create a polyline layer in QGIS from this csv-file, that represent routes of the units.

Best Answer

QGIS Points to Path tool understands Date/Datetime field as an order field.

So the overall steps are:

(1) From Menu Layer | Add Layer | Add delimited text layer to read csv into QGIS to create a point layer.

(2) From Processing Toolbox | Vector creation (tools) | Points to path to create polylines from this point layer. Your time field would be the order field. It understands Date and Datetime according to Python datetime format. If required, give format option (e.g. %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S), too.