[GIS] Create continuous raster from point values in 10.1


I have a point dataset of nearly 400 points containing percentage values the point is representing

Is there a way to create a smooth continuous raster surface across the whole of the UK of the point values?
I have tried using Feature to raster and point to raster and I get similar results of the points being surrounded by the raster square cell in a certain colour depending upon the value.
What I am looking for is raster covering the whole of the uk so most of it will be zero where there is no data or no points and the same colour and then then where the point values are they go up in colour showing the difference in values.

I have used kernel density before but I don't particularly want the raster create using magnitude of points near each other.

Best Answer

Because a raster is continuous and points are discrete, you will need to use an interpolation method to create the kind of raster you would like. There are several different interpolation methods that may be better or worse for a specific application - but, here is a pretty brief overview of interpolation: http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/tool-reference/3d-analyst/understanding-interpolation-analysis.htm

And here is a brief overview of the different interpolation methods offered in ArcMap: http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/tool-reference/3d-analyst/comparing-interpolation-methods.htm.

Once you have interpolated a raster surface, you can clip to the UK boundary.

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