[GIS] Create a One-to-Many Spatial View with ArcGIS 10.1


We have two datasets: parcels and owners. This is a many-to-many relationship, where a parcel can have multiple owners and there may be multiple properties on a single parcel (also with multiple owners: condos or strata property)

We would like to publish this data to ArcGIS Server, and issue queries on it, so that we can get a single result for a single condo owner. Currently, when mapping the condo owners back to the parcel, we get all other condo owners, which gets confusing if the result was obtained by a text search.

In ArcGIS 10 and earlier, it's possible to create a spatial view that generates a unique Object ID field for repeated geometries. This lets us publish a parcels layer with stacked parcels for owners.

Is this possible with ArcGIS 10.1? The online documentation implies that ObjectID and Geometry must be obtained from the same feature class in a spatial view.

The underlying database is SQL Server. We do not want to convert the data storage type.

Best Answer

This problem often comes up when doing animations. I suggest trying either the Make Query Layer or Make Query Table tools.

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