[GIS] Create a 3D topographic map with locations marked on the map using R


I am currently trying to create an interactive 3D surface plot using plotly in R. My dataset includes a matrix of Latitude and Longitude and I have a DEM for the region I would like to make this surface plot for. However, I am unable to do the same.

I have a dataframe Points.sp that contains a list of Lat/Long along with elevation data for areas where I have sampled.

> head(Points.sp)
                         Points     Long      Lat Elevation
1                                    NA       NA        NA
2                      Nair212       NA       NA        NA
4                      CESF543 75.72130 12.88470   876.000
5                     CESF1587 75.93559 11.93745  1494.523
6          tysoni_WILD15AMP650 75.82200 12.38000  1051.000
7           tysoni_SDBDU201274 75.65570 12.22010  1176.000

Here's what I have tried:

Points_new <- data.frame(Points.sp$Long, Points.sp$Lat, Points.sp$Elevation)
Points_new <- as.matrix(Points_new)
p <- plot_ly(z = ~Points_new) %>% add_surface()

enter image description here

In the above plot, I manually loaded the elevation values for each of these points, but the problem being that I need these points on a DEM for the region, and everytime I try to load the DEM, I get an error saying – 'z' must be a numeric matrix.

The DEM here is a raster for the region and I obtained it from the SRTM dataset and cropped it to contain my region only.

 elev <- raster("E:\\MasterThesis\\Absence Approach\\Data\\Elevation_Data\\alt\\alt")
 cr1 <- crop(elev, extent(WG.new)) #WG.new is a mask for a smaller region
 newelev<- mask(cr1, WG.new)

 > newelev
  class       : RasterLayer 
  dimensions  : 1577, 624, 984048  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
  resolution  : 0.008333334, 0.008333334  (x, y)
  extent      : 72.87501, 78.07501, 8.11667, 21.25834  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
  coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs 
  data source : in memory
  names       : alt 
  values      : -14, 2625  (min, max)
  attributes  :
         ID COUNT
  from: -431     2
  to  : 8233     1

If I try loading just the DEM alone by converting the raster to a matrix, I am able to view the DEM, but now I need to add the Lat and Long for locations from the Points.sp dataframe.

newelev <- as.matrix(newelev)
p <- plot_ly(z = ~newelev) %>% add_surface()

enter image description here

Any suggestions? I would ideally want points as small circles on the DEM for the region along with the DEM smoothed and stretched out.


Based on @wittich's elegant solution, I tried what he posted, but I am getting an image like the screenshot posted below.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The problem is here, that you have to translate your own coordinates to relative coordinates.

The way you use ploty you totally ignore the absolute coordinates. For plotting the DEM SRTM data you don't have the problem as it use the X, Y of the TIFF file.

Your newelev.tif example has the size of 624 x 1577 Pixel so your relative coordinates has to bee between

P1 <- c(0, 0)
P2 <- c(624, 1577)

In absolute values that would be:

P1.wgs84 <- c(8.1166702191853, 72.8750131881337)
P2.wgs84 <- c(21.2583375712263, 78.0750134593281)

I hope I could show you the problem. If I find some time I will look for a programmable solution for you.


As promised here a way how you could do it... there is probably a better way, but anyway it works.


# Point <- Points.sp[,c("Long", "Lat", "Elevation")] # to get ride of the first column
Point <- rbind(c(75.72130, 12.88470, 876.000),
                c(75.93559, 11.93745, 1494.523),
                c(75.82200, 12.38000, 1051.000),
                c(75.65570, 12.22010, 1176.000))
colnames(Point) <- c("X", "Y", "Z")
rownames(Point) <- c(1:4)

Point.extent <- extent(Point[,1:2])
Point.extent <- Point.extent + 0.5 # grow extend 0.5 degree

elev <- raster("newelev.tif")
elev.new1 <- crop(elev, Point.extent) # use point extent

d <- dim(elev.new1) # get same dimension
point.raster <- raster(nrow=d[1], ncol=d[2], extent(elev.new1))
cells <- cellFromXY(point.raster, Point[,1:2])
point.raster[cells] <- Point[,3] # set height value to cells
crs(point.raster) <- crs(elev.new1) # copy crs just in case

elev.new2 <- as.matrix(elev.new1)

# here comes the tricky part where it gets the row and col number by using the cell number and set it to a data frame
point.raster2 <- as.matrix(point.raster)
point.cell.value <- as.data.frame(point.raster, na.rm=TRUE )
point.df <- data.frame(rowColFromCell(point.raster, as.numeric(rownames(point.cell.value))), height=point.cell.value[,1])

p <- plot_ly(z = elev.new2, type = "surface") %>% 
         add_trace(data = point.df, x = ~col, y = ~row, z = ~height, mode = "markers", type = "scatter3d", 
             marker = list(size = 5, color = "red", symbol = 104))

output screenshot

Hope that was what you were looking for.

Update II

I had also trouble to display the plot correctly, I thought that is a problem of my ubuntu R/rstudio setup. What helped was to open the plot in a Firefox browser window:

open in new window

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