[GIS] Countries’ Latitude and Longitude range

gpslatitude longitude

Do countries have a Latitude and Longitude range?.

Is it possible to get the latitude and longitude range or boundary for each country.

UK lat and long is 51.5000° N, 0.1167° W.

What is the Maximum and minimum ,latitude and longitude i can have to be still in the UK?

For an example, i have 2 sets(a,b) of lat and long, I start at set a which i know is within the country but i don't know if Set b my destination is still within the country.

Best Answer

Yes. It is possible to get lat/long range for each country. The minimum and maximum lat/long is available at the below link. Hope this helps. https://web.archive.org/web/20150319012353/http://opengeocode.org/cude/download.php?file=/home/fashions/public_html/opengeocode.org/download/cow.txt

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