[GIS] Counting points in polygons using ArcGIS Desktop


I have a table as follows:

enter image description here

I have points and polygons. Every polygon has a variety of points inside. Some have 6, some have 12, some have 0.
FID_2* is polygon ID.
I would like to populate Count( 9th column above) automatically according to FID_2*, that is, polygon ID.
For example, when FID_2* says 46( first row) I want Count to be populated as 6 because I would like to match each point with the polygon they are in. (Polygon 46 has 6 points)

This is another picture showing my points and polygons:

enter image description here

Could you help me solve this?

Best Answer

From How To: Count the number of point features within a polygon:


Create a count field and a spatial join between the point shapefile and the polygon shapefile.

  1. In the attribute table of the point shapefile, create a field called 'Count' of type 'Short Integer'.
  2. Calculate the Count field equal to 1 by right-clicking the field name > Field Calculator > Enter a 1 in the white dialog area below "Count = ", and click OK. [O-Image] Field Calculator Count = 1
  3. Right-click the polygon shapefile and click Joins and Relates > Joins. Click the dropdown list and select 'Join data from another layer based on spatial location'.
  4. Specify the point shapefile from Step 1.
  5. Select the first bullet (Each polygon is given a summary of the numeric attributes...) and check the 'Sum' box.
  6. Specify an output location, and click OK.
  7. A polygon shapefile with the 'Count' field indicating how many point features lie within each polygon feature is now present. This is usually named 'Sum_Count' or 'Count_'.


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