[GIS] Counting number of layers selected in ArcMap TOC using ArcObjects


Has anyone ever tried to get the number of layers that are selected in ArcMap? If I have a map document that has six layers and three of them are selected in the TOC, how does one count them using ArcObjects? I have looked for a while at IContentsView.SelectedItem. Documentation says it can be an enumerator, but I am having a hard time finding out actually what it's type is. In C#, if I do

string myType = IContentsView.SelectedItem.GetType().ToString();

myType is "System._ComObject". Not very descriptive… Trying

if(IContentsView.SelectedItem is IEnumLayer)

and similar checks has been unintuitive… I wasn't sure if multiple layers were selected that they would be stored in there but that was my first guess.

Best Answer

IContentsViewSelection should work for you.


This is VB, but you should get the idea...

Dim pCVSel As IContentsViewSelection = My.ArcMap.Document.CurrentContentsView

Then: pCVSel.SelectedItems.Count will give you the count of selected items in the TOC.

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