[GIS] Counting layer number of raster stack with value under some conditions and write it into output layer


I have generated a 8-day resolution gross primary production (GPP) fro several years using MODIS data.Each year has about 46 GPP layers. Now, I want to calculate the carbon uptake periods (in which GPPis larger than 1 g C m-2) based on these data. The result is a single raster layer with the pixel values indicate the number of the raster layers that is larger than 1. I have found a similar answer, but I still cannot solve it.Any response would be help.

The following code is one I used.


CUP.days=calc(GPP2000h26v04,fun=function(x,na.rm) sum(x[x>1]))

Best Answer

You can use either calc or stackApply to perform this kind of operations. See the reproducible example below.


# Generate rasterBrick of random values
r1 <- r2 <- r3 <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10)
r1[] <- rnorm(ncell(r1), 1, 0.2)
r2[] <- rnorm(ncell(r2), 1, 0.2)
r3[] <- rnorm(ncell(r3), 1, 0.2)
s <- brick(r1,r2,r3)

# StackApply
b1 <- stackApply(s, indices=1, fun=function(x, ...){sum(x > 1)})

# calc
b2 <- calc(s, fun=function(x){sum(x > 1)})

# Compare outputs
all.equal(b1, b2, values = TRUE)
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