[GIS] COUNT vs. SUM field of zonal statistics as table output table

arcgis-desktopraster-calculatorspatial-analystzonal statistics

I want the count of the number of raster pixels within that polygon. I ran the Zonal Statistics as Table tool using one polygon as the feature zone data and only getting the SUM. I thought it would be the sum but i had done some rough calculations another way and got the number in the COUNT field.

Can someone explain what the difference between Count and Sum are?

screenshot of the output table from the zonal statistics as table tool

Best Answer

What you are looking for is COUNT, which is the frequency of the cells that you processed through Zonal Statistics. Sum, on the other hand, is the sum of cell values covered by your polygon. Overly simplistically, say, your cell values are 2,1,3,4,4 in this case COUNT is 5 and SUM is 14.

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