[GIS] Could not access file “$libdir/postgis-2.4”: No such file or directory


When trying to make the postgis_tiger_geocoder extension and running 'make installcheck' I get the following error:

could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory

Searching for 'postgis-2.4' proves that it does not exist.

I get the same error if I try to install the extensions into a database through the psql interface.

I have seen one ticket with the same problem on this site and the answer was to re-install the software with a different version, but I was hoping there was a more targeted solution. There seem to be so many incompatibilities to overcome that re-installing the software seems likely to solve one problem but then present me with a whole list of other problems.

I have installed postgreSQL 9.6.9 and postGIS 2.4.5.

Best Answer

The solution was a little drastic but it appears to have worked. The available packages and support for Centos appeared limited compared to Ubuntu. I therefore re-purposed the server to run Ubuntu and so far the install appears to have been succesful.