[GIS] Copying feature from one feature class to another without creating new feature class using ArcGIS Desktop


I am using ArcGIS Desktop.

How do I copy a line feature from a line feature class to another existing feature class without creating a new feature class?

The Copy Features tool creates the copied feature in a new feature class but what I want is to add the feature that will be copied to an existing feature class.

Best Answer

The Append tool:

Appends multiple input datasets into an existing target dataset. Input datasets can be point, line, or polygon feature classes, tables, rasters, raster catalogs, annotation feature classes, or dimensions feature classes.

For one ArcPy example its Help has:

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data/"
arcpy.Append_management(["north.shp", "south.shp", "east.shp", "west.shp"], "wholecity.shp", "TEST","","")

If you need only a subset of features from a feature class then precede Append with the Select tool.