QGIS 3 Attributes – How to Copy Attributes from One Feature to Empty Row of Another Feature in QGIS 3


How do you copy all of the non-geometry attribute data from one feature to another "empty" feature? For example, how would I copy all of the non-geometry attribute data from the "Seattle Mariners" polygon to the empty Alaska polygon? Using copy/paste pastes both the attributes and the geometry. I do not want to copy the geometry. Just the non-geometry attributes.

Here are instructions for how to do this in ArcMap. Is there a similar "copy attributes" option in QGIS?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Yes, there is. It's the 'Merge Attributes of Selected Features' button.

  1. First you need to enable the Advanced Digitising toolbar (View > Toolbars > Advanced Digitising).

  2. Then enable editing on your desired layer and select both the feature you want to copy attributes from, and any of the feature(s) you want to copy attributes to.

enter image description here

  1. In the main window the Merge Attributes of Selected Features button will now activate.

enter image description here

  1. Now you see your features listed by ID and get the option to decide what attributes get copied over, from which feature. In your case,
    • select the feature you want to copy from, (here it is feature 0) by clicking on the row
    • click "Take attributes from selected feature"
    • scroll across to confirm that you want that attribute across all fields - maybe there is an ID field you don't want copied over. In this example I don't want treeid to be copied over, so I left that as Skip attribute, but everything else will copy the values from Feature 0.

enter image description here

  1. Click OK and check your attribute table. The values should have copied over now. Note treeid is null because I specified that in the previous step. enter image description here
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