[GIS] Coordinates of the lowest point in polygon


I am working in QGIS 2.6. I have a file of several polygons and I want for each one, to find the lowest point (where is it located and its elevation).

I am using "Grid statistics for polygons" which gives me the elevation but not the coordinates of this lowest point.

How can I find these coordinates? Is there an existing tool in QGIS to perform this?

Best Answer

I can propose a (lengthy) solution using existing tools in QGIS.


  • The area is not large and the computer used to perform this is pretty powerful.
  • The "Grid statistics for polygons" output and the "Elevation raster" files are available.


  1. Use the "Grid values to points" tool to generate a point file for the concerned area. (Select options as shown below)

[Warning: This output point file can become very large for large areas or high resolution elevation data; and will make your computer non-responsive. Please try on a smaller area / dataset first.]

enter image description here

  1. Perform "Join attribute by location" on points layer created in step 1 (target layer) and the "Grid statistics for polygons" output (join layer).

The output from step 2 should have geometry columns (lat & long), ID and minimum elevation of the corresponding polygons. A simple attribute query or sorting based on elevation will help you select the point having minimum elevation in each polygon.

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