[GIS] Converting XML to polyline shapefile


I want to convert this XML file to a polyline shapefile.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ci nc="BMSKDMA10" nl="BMskDMA10" mt="6" ct="DM" dtt="17342" dtu="15/01/2016 09:47:29"> 
  <tr la="33.5510900" lo="-7.5741300" tr="COLLECTE" nr="BOULEVARD ACHAHID LAARBI AL BANNAY" ce="CASABLANCA" er="0" mt="6" cm="3" id="0" dt="418" />
  <tr la="33.5532900" lo="-7.5704600" tr="COLLECTE" nr="BOULEVARD ACHAHID LAARBI AL BANNAY" ce="CASABLANCA" er="0" mt="6" cm="2" id="1" dt="206" />
  <tr la="33.5547700" lo="-7.5714700" tr="COLLECTE" nr="BOULEVARD AL JOULANE" ce="CASABLANCA" er="0" mt="6" cm="3" sa="" hc="" id="2" dt="182" />

I tried this code with pyshp library, it works as points when I put:

w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT)

and when I put :

w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POLYLINE)

I do not get a polyline

from xml.etree import ElementTree
import shapefile
import os

xml_file = 'BMSKDMA10.xml'
shape_file = 'BMSKDMA10.shp'
projection = 'GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]'

tree = ElementTree.parse(xml_file)
w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POLYLINE)

# create fields
w.field('la', fieldType = 'N', size = 200)
w.field('lo', fieldType = 'N', size = 200)
w.field('tr', fieldType = 'C', size = 200)
w.field('nr', fieldType = 'C', size = 200)
w.field('ce', fieldType = 'C', size = 200)
w.field('er', fieldType = 'N', size = 200)
w.field('mt', fieldType = 'N', size = 200)
w.field('cm', fieldType = 'N', size = 200)
w.field('id', fieldType = 'N', size = 200)
w.field('dt', fieldType = 'N', size = 200)

root = tree.getroot()
ci = root.getchildren()

for tr in ci:

    part = []
    part.append([float(tr.get('lo')), float(tr.get('la'))])

    # copy attributes
    w.record(float(tr.get('la')),float(tr.get('lo')), tr.get('tr'),tr.get('nr'),tr.get('ce'),int(tr.get('er')),int(tr.get('mt')),int(tr.get('cm')),int(tr.get('id')),int(tr.get('dt')))

# create the PRJ file
with open(os.path.splitext(shape_file)[0] + os.extsep + 'prj', 'w') as prj:prj.write(projection)

Can you help me to resolve this problem?

Best Answer

.xml file you can open through qgis and export into shape file.