[GIS] converting UTM – Decimal Degrees with javaScript or using a web service

javascriptutmweb service

I am creating a wildlife survey form that has a field where users enter location. Users will be able to enter location using a map (i.e. draggable pushpin) or by manually entering lat/lng. My clients are also requesting an option for entering UTM coordinates.

If a user does enter UTM coords I would like to convert these before pushing to the database. I've seen a couple websites that have utilities for converting UTM to decimal degrees.

Does anyone know of a javaScript lib that will make these conversion given zone and easting-northing? I also saw this thread

Convert geographic coordinates to UTM zone 29N with Javascript

Does ESRI have a web service that I could pass UTM coords to and get lat/lng back?

Best Answer

If you're not happy with using a Geometry Service like Kirk suggested, you could use proj4js client-side.