[GIS] Converting Shape (SDE.ST_GEOMETRY) to Latitude and Longitude

convertlatitude longitudest-geometry

A table Oracle have a Shape field of type SDE.ST_GEOMETRY, I want to convert it to latitude and longitude.

I need the Latitude and Longitude to build dynamic maps on Google Maps.

I saw on the Internet this tip, I tried this:

SELECT sde.ST_X(shape) x, sde.ST_Y(shape) y FROM pontes;

But returned this:

              X | Y

692789,990308064 | 7020476,32990657

I think these are coordinates (XY) ArcGIS, but I need the latitude and longitude.

How do I convert a Shape (SDE.ST_GEOMETRY) to Latitude and Longitude?

Best Answer

This is giving you the lat/long for your geometry, but it looks like your data is in some sort of feet-based projection like state plane. If you're wanting to display the coordinates in a system that's readable by Google Maps, you'll need to transform the point. Not sure about the syntax for SDE in Oracle, but in PostGIS it's something similar to:

    select st_astext(st_transform(shape, 4326))

For additional information see the help page.

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