[GIS] Converting Number to Percentage in ArcGIS Field Calculator


Using ArcGIS 10.2 and Personal geodatabase,I have a field with values of Numbers like 0.461538 and Type of "Double".

How can I Export them to new Field in Percentage Format to be shown like 46% or at least round the number to looks like 46 then I can add "%" on label to them?

(Honestly! I do not think this is a good idea for further Analysis!).

Best Answer

you should rather change the display so that you don't duplicate your field.

1) Open your attribute table

2) right click on the name of your field

3) select "properties"

4) Press the icon next to "numeric"

5) select percentage : the number represent a fraction

6) go to the option for rounding (number of decimal places set to 0 )

enter image description here