[GIS] Converting multilayer KML files to GeoJSON using ogr2ogr


I have a kml file that I'm trying to convert to GeoJSON. However, it turns out there's multiple layers, and ogr2ogr isn't happy.

$ ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON shapes.json shapes.kml
ERROR 6: GeoJSON driver doesn't support creating more than one layer
ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed
translation of layer Set 2 (use -skipfailures to skip errors)

Here's a sample of one such multi layer KML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" xmlns:kml="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
            <name>Set 1</name>
                <name>Shape 1-1</name>
                                -81.97209580036224,40.70902818974323,0 -81.97211148995324,40.70705812260233,0 -81.97204657426639,40.70698429917707,0 -81.97170065320428,40.70689762261313,0 -81.97128823249281,40.70678591732805,0 -81.97012759802162,40.70683180630405,0 -81.97011100460675,40.70907869772486,0 -81.97209580036224,40.70902818974323,0 
                <name>Shape 1-2</name>
                                -81.9678256998772,40.70699525577179,0 -81.96710537786173,40.70714109117483,0 -81.9671339172961,40.70964816832036,0 -81.9681094085136,40.70953487937989,0 -81.96849455277558,40.70941143819032,0 -81.9687122721291,40.70922702833104,0 -81.96869523424586,40.70693622825318,0 -81.9678256998772,40.70699525577179,0 
                <name>Shape 1-3</name>
                                -81.97575255412974,40.70901137563123,0 -81.97498009801741,40.70910891904678,0 -81.97366868385656,40.70909911614361,0 -81.97156793031792,40.70919907550063,0 -81.96927940567542,40.70932415940178,0 -81.96979533529213,40.70965324506344,0 -81.97175061906975,40.70968631132654,0 -81.9733120082854,40.70970666237672,0 -81.97576756497214,40.70956450955584,0 -81.97575255412974,40.70901137563123,0 
                <name>Shape 1-4</name>
                                -81.96434152341726,40.70702598013048,0 -81.96356422472108,40.70713349505342,0 -81.96297679852724,40.70696883424459,0 -81.96309807638089,40.70812857198734,0 -81.96343567507532,40.70928783377635,0 -81.96436703230279,40.70914919861734,0 -81.96460689239605,40.70921100214736,0 -81.9650923971045,40.70894923436187,0 -81.96555478608285,40.70876312686659,0 -81.96552441635622,40.70713152110199,0 -81.96434152341726,40.70702598013048,0 
            <name>Set 2</name>
                <name>Shape 2-1</name>
                                -81.98834021695214,40.69452103418363,0 -81.98812651732483,40.68978476540717,0 -81.98732201929137,40.68982207193159,0 -81.98748028381483,40.69454809335561,0 -81.98834021695214,40.69452103418363,0 
                <name>Shape 2-2</name>
                                -81.98570709620523,40.69457415615653,0 -81.98548489260064,40.68973423650695,0 -81.98495179849937,40.6899203348901,0 -81.98523118119185,40.6946028701411,0 -81.98570709620523,40.69457415615653,0 

Are there any suggestions for successfully processing the shapes.kml using existing libraries, or must it be split apart manually? What is your suggested strategy for doing so?

Best Answer

The trick is to get a list of layers in the KML that you can than iterate over individually.

A linux solution (bash) could look like...

for layer in "$(ogrinfo -ro -so -q file.kml | cut -d ' ' -f 2)"
    ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" "file_${layer}.json" file.kml "${layer}"

You might also have an issue of spaces ' ' in the kml layer name.

Those can be substituted (removed or replaced) on the fly with bash:

$ layer1="Site - 123"
$ echo ${layer1// /}
$ Site-123
$ echo ${layer1} | sed 's/ //g'
$ Site-123

Because of this, I highly recommend experimenting with the output of ogrinfo -ro -so -q file.kml | cut -d ' ' -f 2) to make sure it treats the layers in the list of that kml properly. Try to make adjustments to the code so that the spaces don't split up the list too much.

You can see that cut -d ' ' -f 2 will look for spaces (-d ' ') and separate the output into fields where they are found. Then it takes the second field (-f 2) and uses that as the layer name.

Here's an example of the output on a sample sqlite database:

% ogrinfo -ro -so -q ca_bs.sqlite 
1: bs_1250009_0 (Point)
2: bs_2060009_0 (Point)
3: bs_2010009_2 (Multi Polygon)
4: bs_2380009_2 (Multi Polygon)
5: bs_2240009_1 (Multi Line String)
6: bs_2310009_1 (Multi Line String)

% ogrinfo -ro -so -q ca_bs.sqlite | cut -d ' ' -f 2

So this should get pretty close with the sample you provided:

$ ogrinfo -ro -so -q test.kml | cut -d ':' -f2 | sed 's/^ //g'
Set 1
Set 2
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