[GIS] Converting MGA coordinates for Google Earth

australiacoordinate systemgoogle earth

I am new to looking up coordinates, etc.

However, I have some coordinates that I want to look for, but they are in MGA.

I am wanting to look up these coordinates on Google Earth and then try and export them to my vms.

From what I can discover Google Earth does not like these MGA coordinates and I have zero know how on trying to convert them to a readable coordinate to allow me to do the above.

Is anyone able to help?

Best Answer

I assume that these coordinates are from Australia.

MGA is the Map Grid of Australia.

"Map Grid of Australia" is mentioned in three previous Q&As here, "MGA" is mentioned in 30 other questions, and NSW Government Spatial Services refers to it as:

The official coordinate projection for use with the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94).

Projection: Transverse Mercator
Zone Width: 6 degrees
Longitude of Origin:    Central Meridian of each zone
Latitude of Origin: Equator (zero degrees)
False Easting:  500 000
False Northing: 10 000 000
Central Scale Factor:   0.9996
Units:  Metre
Ellipsoid:  GRS80
More Information:   Go to [ICSM][3] website.

The software that I use to convert from it to WGS 84 Web Mercator which Google uses as its coordinate system is ArcGIS Desktop.

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