[GIS] Converting MapInfo TAB to GeoJSON


Is there an easy way to convert MapInfo TAB files into GeoJSON?

I am working on a web-based mapping system which will use GeoJSON to transfer data. I also use MapInfo and would like to be able to convert files from MapInfo into GeoJSON.

I have tried the Universal Translator that comes with MapInfo but it doesn't support GeoJSON.

If there isn't a way to do it I will make a MapInfo plug-in myself (and probably post it online). I just don't want to waste my time making this if there is already one out there.

Update 2012-03-19: You can now export to GeoJSON through QGIS.

Best Answer

What about just using the command line ogr2ogr, or installing FWTools to access it's pre-configured ogr2ogr command line? The core ogr2ogr appears to support bi-directional conversion from MapInfo to GeoJSON.

Here are a couple of cheat sheets that might help:

ogr_cheatsheet; data loading

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