[GIS] Converting map coordinates using AutoCad to Excel sheet


I have some maps of pieces of lands and I want to convert the coordinates to excel sheet

I want to arrange the data like this in the excel sheet:

land number( the pink number in the pic) accompanied by its coordinates in each row

I will be really thankful if you can help me

enter image description here

link to the map file above:


I want to have 3 columns in the excel sheet

1) representing the land number text value

2) representing the the coordinates of that land separated by "_" like this
23.87718162405882_57.10554858573619_23.877357092058385_57.105595188322354_23.877292855536815_57.10588146117277 each two representing a point/corner

3) the block number where the land is

if the format of the coordinates can not be like above then there is no harm having 3 columns x and y or easting and northing plus point number. therefore each land will have rows of the same points number

Best Answer

You can use the query to report, or the export functions.
report query
I will wait on your reply to the comment question and fill in more detail.

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