[GIS] Converting Longitude and Latitude Coordinates to Square Miles

arealatitude longitudepolygonspherical-geometry

I have a set of Long and Lat co-ordinates making up a five point polygon which I have converted in excel using the following formula:


*Replacing X,Y with cell references of course.

This gives me a negative number but how do I convert this number to square miles or kilometres?

Best Answer

Try this formula (assuming your source is WGS1984, if not then you'll need to adjust the ellipsoid used by the second line):

area = rad(x2 - x1) * (2 + sin(rad(y1)) + sin(rad(y2))) + rad(x3 - x2) * (2 + sin(rad(y2)) + sin(rad(y3))) + rad(x4 - x3) * (2 + sin(rad(y3)) + sin(rad(y4))) + rad(x5 - x4) * (2 + sin(rad(y4)) + sin(rad(y5)))

area = abs(area * 6378137.0 * 6378137.0 / 2.0)

rad() is a function that converts Degrees to Radians (i.e. Degrees * PI / 180)

Source: OpenLayers LinearRing

This will result in an area returned in square meters.