How to Convert LAS 1.4 to 1.2 – Lidar Data Conversion

convertdemfree softwarelaslidar

LIDAR files were released for major part of Slovenia few months back in zlas format. Decompressed LAS format is 1.4 version. I have tried many options how to generate DEMs and had some success in programs and tools but unfortunately they were all trial versions of license pay versions.

Problem is that I can't open and generate DEMs of LAS version 1.4 in many open and free tools (such as MCC-Lidar).

Can you help me converting LAS from 1.4 to 1.2 in some free tool? Or if it is any other way for LAS 1.4.

Best Answer

For converting to las 1.2 from las 1.4, PDAL's translate command is an option:

pdal translate --writers.las.minor_version=2 input-las14.las output-las12.las

LAStools can also do the job:

las2las -i input-las14.las -set_version 1.2 -o output-las12.las

In general, las 1.4 support is patchy among free and open-source las-aware software, e.g. liblas doesn't handle it.

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