[GIS] Converting large GeoJSON to shapefile

geojsonlarge datasetsqgisshapefile

I have recently downloaded a building footprint GeoJSON file from Microsoft Bing Maps. The file I downloaded was for the entirety of Texas, and is of approximately 2.2 GB file size. They do not provide the data in any smaller sections for the state of Texas.

My issue is that I am unable to convert this GeoJSON into any usable format, such as a shapefile. I have tried to use https://mapshaper.org/ but my file size is too large and the website crashes. Similarly, I have tried to open the GeoJSON in QGIS, but that program crashes as well. I know ArcGIS has the Data Interoperability Toolset, but that requires a special license.

Does anyone have any other techniques to convert a large GeoJSON file?

Best Answer

Shapefile have a size limit of 2GB so trying to convert your 2.2GB geojson probably result in a too big shapefile.

You should try to load it in a database that is capable of handling that amount of data (a simple spatialite database for exemple could be created and managed from qgis and has no size limit)

Also for large file you may run to hardware limitation....