[GIS] Converting from GEOTIFF to JPEG2000


I need to convert raster from one format to another (geotiff–>jpeg2000). First I tried with very simple workspace, having input geotiff and direct to output jpeg2000, but I got error message:
JPEG2000 writer: This format cannot support palettes. Consider removing or resolving palettes that are attached to the raster

What should I do?

Best Answer

How about using GDAL? It is available via FWTools (easier install) on Windows, via apt-get on Ubuntu, and via a binary for OSX.

Once you have GDAL just go ahead and use:

gdal_translate -of JP2OpenJPEG <input> <output>


gdal_translate -of JPEG2000 <input> <output>

The above command uses the built in JP2 format conversion. ECWJP2 or Kakadu might give you better results but they require a license.