[GIS] Converting ERDAS (*.img) file into headerless binary file

arcgis-desktoperdas-imaginefile formatsraster-conversionterrset

I am having trouble converting an ERDAS (*.img) file into a headerless binary file.

I want to use those images in the TIMESAT program.

I'm trying to do this in IDRISI 32 but there is an error saying:

minimum values exceeds maximum value

during the process.

What does the error mean, or how can I achieve this task using another program? For example, ArcGIS, ENVI, ERDAS, but not GDAL (with which I am unfamiliar). It seems I need to write some code to work in GDAL and I am not a coder.

Best Answer

with ArcGIS, you can use the "copy raster" tools to convert the img file in a ENVI file. Just write ".dat" at the end of the name of the output file. With ENVI you just need to convert to an ENVI file and use the file that has no extension.

By the way, you don't need to write code to use gdal. You can install it with OSGEO4W, then you type

gdal_translate -of ENVI -co INTERLEAVE=BSQ myimage.img myoutputimage.dat 

and it runs the conversion.