[GIS] Converting data from .gdb into shapefile without ArcMap


I have a .gdb folder with LOCK Files, FREELIST Files, ATX Files, GDBINDEXES Files, GDBTABLE Files, GDBTABLEX Files and, SPX Files.

I want to convert the parcel data within this folder into a shapefile so that I can load it into ArcGIS online. If I still had my ArcGIS desktop version this would be a simple task however, I no longer have access to this version of the software.

Any ideas on how to get this parcel data into a shapefile?

I haven't tried downloading QGIS yet so I'm not sure if this software would have that capability as ArcMap 10.1 did.

Best Answer

One option that may be a bit faster (less clicks) or you could call from a script would be to use ogr2ogr command (using OSGeo4wShell (which comes with installation of QGIS)).

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" C:/Temp/Shps C:/Temp/test.gdb

enter image description here

If you want to export out a subset you may use the same command above but at the end list out the table name(s) (e.g. parcel and citybnd).

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" C:/Temp/Shps C:/Temp/test.gdb parcel citybnd
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