[GIS] Converting .dat files to shapefiles


We have electrical conductivity maps of our fields created using a Veris sensor that are in a .dat file type. We want to import these maps into our Ag leader SMS database, but in order to do that, they need to be converted to shapefiles.

How would I go about converting them?

Best Answer

As you have confirmed that the file format is (per my comment) as described in the link Re: .dat file from Veris Machine How to Read

There are five columns of data logged by a Veris machine: Column A: Longitude Column B: Latitude Column C: Shallow EC Column D: Deep EC Column E: Elevation

You should as per that post be able to import the .dat file into Excel add the appropriate column headings and export as CSV.

You say you need a shapefile to import into the Ag leader SMS database, but the Ag Leader support documentation tells us that CSV file format is supported, so you should be able to import the CSV directly.