ArcGIS Desktop – How to Convert Coverage Files into Shapefiles


I am attempting to convert coverage files into shapefiles using arcpy. This is not the e00 files, but the bin files. ArcGIS help suggests that it can be done using FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion, but I am getting an error saying "parcels does not exist or not supported".

fileName = 'C:\\May_2014_Parcels' + "\\" + filename + "\\" + subfilename + "\\parcels"

r'C:\May_2014_Parcels\Output\parcels.gdb', filename + "_" + subfilename)

How do I actually get the featureclass out of the coverage file so I can perform this task?

Best Answer

Coverages are like TAB and CAD files in that they can have multiple feature types. For example, a polygon coverage has polygons, lines, nodes, points (labels) and optionally tics.

'C:\\May_2014_Parcels' + "\\" + filename + "\\" + subfilename + "\\parcels\\polygon"

should do the trick for accessing the polygon records, likewise if you want just the lines then:

'C:\\May_2014_Parcels' + "\\" + filename + "\\" + subfilename + "\\parcels\\arc"

would do it. Note arc feature type is a polyline, not actually an arc!

note do not copy coverages with windows explorer unless you are copying the whole workspace, doing so will render them utterly useless. If you cannot 'see' inside the coverages in ArcCatalog like this:

Inside a coverage

then it is already broken!

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